Information about the Sports Massage course held in Prague

Sports Massage

course price – CZK 15,000, including two physiofitness weekends

Holders of the Certificate of Professional Qualification can set up their professional trades in “massage, reconditioning and regeneration services for sports massage”.

The Sports Massage course under Improve Academy is accredited by the Ministry of Education (MSMT-16941/2021-2) and is suitable for anyone seeking a career as a massage therapist. The course is also suitable for beginners and can be taken as a retraining course. Graduates of the course receive an excellent education in both massage practice and other areas of fitness care for their future clients (through linking with other Improve Academy courses).

Graduates master the anatomy of the human body and the specifics of sports and rehabilitation clients. We interconnect the courses so that the graduates gain a comprehensive view of the human body and psyche and gain confidence in their quality and professionalism as massage therapists. The course will not only enable you to set up your own business but will open the door to further levels of training.


Benefits of our sports massage course



Why choose Improve Academy?

  • Thanks to the quality of knowledge gained in our courses, Improve Academy graduates have vast opportunities when entering the job market.
  • A team of experts in the subjects taught (massage – professional masseurs and physiotherapists, anatomy – lecturers at medical faculties and the Faculty of Physical Therapy, first aid seminars – experienced paramedics, diets – professional nutritionists, psychology – professional sports psychologists).
  • Long-term cooperation with professional athletes and spa facilities – an opportunity to build contacts.
  • References of graduates.
  • Extended optional teaching in the form of free access to the modules of other courses (Physiofitness weekend with a workshop of your choice from the Functional Trainer course with a health focus, Creating a diet from the Nutrition Advisor course).
  • Possibility of instalment payments.
  • Certificates with national validity in Czech and English.
  • Course graduates get discounts and time savings in other Improve academy courses – exam recognition in some subjects in the extension studies).

Date of the course: 11 April 2024 (if not enough students sign up, they will be automatically enrolled in the next course). Academy may, at their discretion, change the course's start date.

Professional qualification examination in “sports massage” (69-037-M) – the exam date will be specified.

The final examination is subject to the assessment standards of the National Register of Qualifications, which are uniform throughout the Czech Republic. Therefore, the examiners are authorised and duly certified - in Improve Academy, they are Eva Mackanič and Radka Geffertová.

You will receive a Certificate of Professional Qualification for Sports Massage upon completing the exam.

Entry requirements for attending the course: majority and medical fitness proven by a medical certificate.

The minimum requirements for candidates for the examination are primary education, majority, a clean bill of health, and medical fitness for the professional qualification documented by a medical certificate.

The course will be open with a minimum number of students: 8
Maximum number of students who can enrol in the course: 10

Course location: Prague

Course price: CZK 15,000

The price for the exam before an authorised representative is CZK 2,500. For other exam candidates, i.e. those who have not completed the Sports Massage course under Improve Academy, the price is CZK 5,000.


What is the course content


  • The course curriculum thoroughly prepares the student for the final exam, reflecting the standards set by the National Register of Qualifications.
  • Whole-body manual massage, massage techniques and massages for different human body segments according to individual needs of clients (sports, reconditioning, emergency, toning, relaxation, etc.)
  • Lectures beyond the Sports Massage course: a specialised physiofitness weekend that focuses on functional and corrective exercise – you will find this knowledge very useful in your practice, and it will also give you a significant competitive advantage. The physiofitness weekends also include workshops (each month, there is a different workshop topic and a different lecturer –for example, Robert Chott and triggerpoints). When you sign up for the Sports Massage course, you will automatically get access to this weekend, including the workshop.
  • Seminar in dietetics.
  • Seminars in first aid and psychology.



Course and form of teaching

The course's practical massage and preparatory part takes place in the form of specialisation weekends. These weekends are held twice a month. The rest of the classes are taught according to the schedule in conjunction with other courses (Anatomy, Chinese medicine, Psychology, First aid, Physiofitness weekend, Basics of diet preparation).

Employment of course graduates

After completing the course, graduates can work in (or collaborate with as freelancers): wellness centres, solariums, massage parlours, sports clubs (or individual athletes) and spas. Of course, they can also run their own studios.



Instructors of the Sports Massage Course in Prague

Radka Geffertová
authorised lecturer

Eva Mackanič

Denisa Fuksová

Josef Krubner

Robert Chott

Radoslav Mikloš


The course price includes:


  • Practical and theoretical part of the massage course.
  • Seminars in first aid and psychology.
  • Seminar on creating an individual diet.
  • Study materials in electronic format.
  • Certificate of completion of an accredited retraining course (Accreditation: MSMT-16941/2021-2)



Nationwide valid certificate

The certificate is valid for an unlimited time throughout the Czech Republic. Abroad, it is up to each employer if they recognise the nationally valid certificate.

“Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.” Albert Einstein



Course location



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Markéta Kubínová graduate of the Sports Massage and Functional Trainer with Health Focus courses.

I want to thank the Improve Academy team – Petr Neplech, Denisa Fuksová, Eva Mackanič, Honza Hlaveš, Květa Hofnerová and others who participated in the Sports Massage course. I am glad I chose this course as my second course from Improve, where I had the privilege to learn from professionals, expand my knowledge and opportunities and meet great people from the team. I highly recommend Improve Academy and look forward to further cooperation with them in workshops. Again, thank you so much; you guys are amazing!


Course application form

    Please fill in all fields marked with *
    Once your application is processed, you will receive detailed information about the course, including the schedule. Your registration for the course becomes binding (i.e.also subject to cancellation fees) only after you have paid for it and thoroughly read the instructions. Please fill in the application form correctly, including punctuation, as the information is also used on the final certificate with nationwide validity! Any correction of incorrect or incomplete data on the certificate is subject to a fee of CZK 500. Please take care when completing the application form.
    If the course fee is not paid within 3 working days from the date of application, the application will be automatically removed from our records, and your place in the course will be given to the next candidate.

    Course *


    Name *

    Address *

    Phone nr. *

    E-mail *

    Date of birth *

    Place of birth *





    By submitting the application form, you agree to the processing of your personal data – In
    accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act No. 101/2000 Coll., by submitting the application form, I agree that Improve Academy s.r.o. can keep my data in their database and use it for internal purposes.